Rejection Reasons

If Customers API and KYC Links return that the customer's KYC status is rejected, there are two fields shared with rejection reasons:

  • developer_reason is meant to be used by developers for internal purposes only. This field can contain sensitive information intended for only the developer and is provided to help with troubleshooting potential issues or protecting against potential abuse.
  • reason can be shared by a developer directly with their customers.
ID cannot be verified against third-party databasesYour information could not be verified
Inconsistent or incomplete information.Inconsistent or incomplete information.
Cannot validate user ageYour information could not be verified
Missing or incomplete barcode on the ID.Cannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
Inconsistent information in the barcode.Your information could not be verified
Submission is blurry.Cannot validate ID - upload photo of ID is clear
Inconsistent ID formatYour information could not be verified
Compromised ID detectedYour information could not be verified
ID from disallowed country.Cannot accept provided ID
Incorrect ID type selected.Incorrect ID type selected.
Same side submitted as both front and back.Same side submitted as both front and back.
Electronic replica detected.Your information could not be verified
No government ID found in submission.No government ID found in submission.
ID is expired.ID is expired.
Missing required ID details.Cannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
Inconsistent details in extraction.Your information could not be verified
Likely fabrication detected.Your information could not be verified
Glare detected in the submission.Cannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
Identity cannot be verifiedYour information could not be verified
Inconsistent details with previous submission.Your information could not be verified
Inconsistent details between submissions.Your information could not be verified
Machine readable zone not detectedCannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
Inconsistent machine readable zoneCannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
ID number format inconsistency.Your information could not be verified
Paper copy detected.Your information could not be verified
PO box address detected.PO box address detected.
Blurry face portrait.Cannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
No face portrait found in the submission.Cannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
Face portrait matches a public figure.Your information could not be verified
Not a U.S. REAL ID.Your information could not be verified
ID details and face match previous submission.Your information could not be verified
Different faces in ID and selfie.Your information could not be verified
Tampering detected.Your information could not be verified
Submission cannot be processed.Submission cannot be processed.
Dates on the ID are invalid.Your information could not be verified
Identity cannot be verified against third-party databasesYour information could not be verified
Person is deceased.Your information could not be verified
Document could not be verifiedYour information could not be verified
Unsupported countryYour region is not supported
No government ID detectedCannot validate ID -- upload a clear photo of the full ID
No database check was performedYour information could not be verified
Prohibited state/provinceYour region is not supported
Prohibited countryYour information could not be verified
Potential elder abuseYour information could not be verified
Potential PEPYour information could not be verified
Customer information could not be verifiedYour information could not be verified
Unsupported state/provinceYour region is not supported
Missing or invalid proof of addressMissing or invalid proof of address