Similar to our standard business thresholds – for DAO customers, Core requirements enable an entity to move up to $10,000 in a single transaction and $100,000 over a 30-day period. To exceed these limits, customers will need to successfully complete Enhanced KYB.

Core Requirements

DAO documents

  • Entity Name
  • Principal Operating Address
  • EIN/TIN (or non-US equivalent)
  • List Manager or similar person(s) that has(have) the ability to legally bind the DAO and carry out the DAO's instructions; mangers that are entities will need to be KYB reviewed per the requirements for Businesses: KYB requirements

Manager documents

  • Core KYC requirements
  • Corporate or other contractual documentation under which the Manager or similar person(s) has(have) been granted the ability described above

Enhanced Requirements

DAO documents

  • DAO formation documents (copy of filed/stamped)
  • Website or other DAO-controlled internet site(s)

Manager documents

For KYB of entity-less DAOs, please contact us directly to discuss requirements.