Bridge has a sandbox environment for you to quickly begin testing your integration without having to move real money. To get access to this sandbox, you must first reach out to [email protected] to get onboarded with a Developer account within Bridge. Afterwards, you'll be able to generate sandbox API keys

Step 1: Generate a Sandbox Key

Go to and login with your email. Then make sure the "Sandbox" toggle is turned on (blue). Then hit the button to generate a sandbox key. Sandbox keys should be prefixed with sk-test.

Step 2: Hit an API

Right now, Bridge's sandbox is functional with the customer creation and KYC process. For example, here is how you can create a Bridge customer.


Note that the base url for Bridge is now

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Api-Key: <API Key>' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: <generate a uuid>' \
--data-raw '{
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "address": {
    "street_line_1": "123 Washington St",
    "street_line_2": "Apt 2F",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postal_code": "10001",
    "country": "USA"
  "birth_date": "1989-09-09",
  "tax_identification_number": "111-11-1111",
  "phone": "+15555555555",
  "signed_agreement_id": "<generate a uuid>",
  "type": "individual"

We recommend the following steps to get a sense of how to use Bridge:

  • Create a customer
  • Fetch that customer
  • Examine simulated KYC
  • Creating fake liquidation addresses, transfers and fiat deposit instructions (Note: there is no real money movement in Sandbox)

Differences with Production

Sandbox has a few key areas in which it differs from Production

  • Customers must be created via the API; they cannot be created using kyc links
  • Customers are automatically approved (no KYC/KYB flow)
  • Sandbox is subject to arbitrary rate limits, we may drop your requests at any time
  • The signed agreement id in production cannot be arbitrary
  • There is no real money movement in Sandbox
  • Plaid does not work in Sandbox
  • While in production you can have multiple users under the same Developer Account, in Sandbox each of those users will be scoped under their own unique Developer Account. In particular, changes made by one user in the sandbox won't be visible to other users even if those users share a developer account in production.

If you have suggests for how to improve our sandbox experience, please reach out to us at [email protected], thanks!