Fiat to Stablecoin (Crypto On-Ramp)
We support ACH Push and Wire. ACH Pull is coming soon.
With wires and ACH push based transfers, it's very important that you instruct your customer to send the payment with our unique deposit message. Direct your customer to send funds to Bridge's bank account, with the exact amount and currency, and to include the deposit message (starting with BRG) as the wire memo/message or ACH push description. The deposit message is unique per transfer and including it with your transaction is required for Bridge to process.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Api-Key: <API Key>' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: <Unique Idempotency Key>' \
--data-raw '{
"amount": "10.0",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "wire",
"currency": "usd",
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "ethereum",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef",
"id": "transfer_123",
"state": "awaiting_funds",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "wire",
"currency": "usd"
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "polygon",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef"
"source_deposit_instructions": {
// ...Bridge banking details
"amount": "10.0",
"currency": "usd",
"deposit_message": "BVI7depositmessage",
"receipt": {
"initial_amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"exchange_fee": "0.0",
"final_amount": "9.5",
"destination_tx_hash": "0xc0ffee", // A destination tx hash will appear after the transfer is complete
"created_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:14.316Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:15.231Z"
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Api-Key: <API Key>' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: <Unique Idempotency Key>' \
--data-raw '{
"amount": "10.0",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "ach_push",
"currency": "usd",
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "ethereum",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef",
"id": "transfer_123",
"state": "awaiting_funds",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "ach_push",
"currency": "usd"
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "polygon",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef"
"source_deposit_instructions": {
// ...Bridge banking details
"amount": "10.0",
"currency": "usd",
"deposit_message": "BVI7depositmessage",
"receipt": {
"initial_amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"exchange_fee": "0.0",
"final_amount": "9.5",
"destination_tx_hash": "0xc0ffee", // A destination tx hash will appear after the transfer is complete
"created_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:14.316Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:15.231Z"
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Api-Key: <API Key>' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: <Unique Idempotency Key>' \
--data-raw '{
"amount": "10.0",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "sepa",
"currency": "eur",
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "ethereum",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef",
"id": "transfer_123",
"state": "awaiting_funds",
"on_behalf_of": "cust_alice",
"amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"source": {
"payment_rail": "sepa",
"currency": "eur"
"destination": {
"payment_rail": "ethereum",
"currency": "usdc",
"to_address": "0xdeadbeef"
"source_deposit_instructions": {
// ...Bridge banking details
"amount": "10.0",
"currency": "eur",
"deposit_message": "BVI7depositmessage",
"receipt": {
"initial_amount": "10.0",
"developer_fee": "0.5",
"exchange_fee": "0.0",
"final_amount": "9.5",
"destination_tx_hash": "0xc0ffee", // A destination tx hash will appear after the transfer is complete
"exchange_rate": "1.068627"
"created_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:14.316Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:39:15.231Z"
Updated 4 months ago