JUMP TOBridge APICustomersGet all customersgetCreate a customerpostGet a single customer objectgetUpdate a single customer objectputDelete a single customer objectdeleteRetrieve a hosted URL for ToS acceptance for an existing customergetRetrieve a hosted KYC Link for an existing customergetGet all transfersgetRequest a hosted URL for ToS acceptance for new customer creationpostExternal AccountsGet all External AccountsgetCreate a new External AccountpostRetrieve an External Account objectgetUpdate an External AccountputDelete a single External Account objectdeleteReactivate an External AccountpostTransfersGet all transfersgetCreate a transferpostGet a transfergetUpdate a transferputDelete a transferdeletePrefunded AccountsGet a list of all Prefunded AccountgetGet details for a specific Prefunded AccountgetGet funding history of a Prefunded AccountgetLiquidation AddressesCreate a Liquidation AddresspostGet all Liquidation Addresses for a customergetGet a Liquidation AddressgetUpdate a Liquidation AddressputGet drain history of a Liquidation AddressgetGet the balance of a Liquidation AddressgetDevelopersGet the configured feesgetUpdate the configured feespostGet the configured fee External AccountgetConfigure a fee External AccountpostPlaidGenerate a Plaid Link token for a customerpostExchange Plaid public token for an access tokenpostVirtual AccountsCreate a Virtual AccountpostList Virtual AccountsgetGet a Virtual AccountgetUpdate a Virtual AccountputDeactivate a Virtual AccountpostReactivate a Virtual AccountpostVirtual Account ActivitygetVirtual Account Activity Across All CustomersgetStatic MemosCreate a Static MemopostList Static MemosgetGet a Static MemogetUpdate a Static MemoputStatic Memo ActivitygetStatic Memo Activity Across All CustomersgetCardsRetrieve a card accountgetGet all card accountsgetProvision a card accountpostPlace a freeze on the card accountpostUnfreeze the card accountpostCreate a mobile wallet push provisioning requestpostRetrieve pending card authorizationsgetRetrieve card transactionsgetCreate a funds withdrawal requestpostRetrieve the withdrawal history of fundsgetRetrieve a card withdrawalgetGenerate a card account statementpostWebhooksGet all webhook endpointsgetCreate a webhook endpointpostUpdate a webhookputDelete a webhookdeleteList upcoming eventsgetView logsgetSend eventpostListsGet occupation codesgetGet countriesgetBounceback Refund PoliciesGet all bounceback refund policiesgetCreate a new bounceback refund policypostUpdate an existing bounceback refund policyputBridge WalletsGet all Bridge WalletsgetGet total balances of all Bridge WalletsgetGet all Bridge Wallets for a customergetCreate a Bridge WalletpostGet a Bridge WalletgetKYC LinksGenerate the Links needs to complete KYC for an individual or businesspostGet all KYC links.getCheck the status of a KYC linkgetExchange RatesGet current exchange rate between two currencies.getPowered by Get a single customer objectget https://api.bridge.xyz/v0/customers/{customerID}Retrieve a customer object from the passed in customer ID